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Hi! I'm Caroline. I'm originally from Charlotte but have been in Raleigh for a while now. Charlotte is called the Queen City, and Raleigh is called the City of Oaks. So here I am, A Crown Amongst the Oaks!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Seattle or Bust: Game Day!!

Sunday was mostly a travel day but we hit up Dahlia's Bakery before we left.  Dahlia's has a bakery and then a separate lounge. They are some of Tom Douglas' restaurants who is a big time chef in Seattle.

Also, we went on our trip for 4 days and 3 nights.  I wanted to show myself an example of what I should pack next time.  Here is Lamb.  One small bag. One purse. Boom. This is how it should be done.
And.....here is how Maggie and I do it.  I have one HUGE suitcase and 2 small bags AND a purse.  She has 2 small suitcases, a carry on bag and a purse. Hey, a girls got to have options!

Our flight was at 12 and the semifinal game was also at 12.  We booked our tickets way before the game was determined, otherwise we would have stayed to at least tailgate!  We ended up catching the end of the game in Denver and it was a CRAZY game.  They came back from a 16-0 score most of the game to win in overtime.  I am not even a football fan and I was super pumped about the game.  Being  that I'm not a real football fan I had no idea about the 12th man concept, but thankfully Maggie informed me.  There were 12 flags EVERYWHERE so I snapped some shots of them all over town!  We wish we could have stayed the night and had been able to celebrate with everyone in Seattle, but alas big girl jobs called. 

What a small world!  A bunch of friends from Raleigh were on the flight from Denver. 

I feel like we saw so much of the city in such a short time.  I had a great time with my friends and we were so happy to go crash Bekah's place after she had only been there for 10 days!  Seattle, I don't know when, but I will definitely be back!.

Seattle or Bust: Day Three

Today was our only full day with Bekah so we wanted to do things she hadn't done before!!

We hit up Piroshky Piroshky in guess where...Pike Place.  This places has over 2500 reviews on Yelp!  I took the suggestion from several reviews to get the Salmon Pate Piroshky and I was not dissapointed.  I also got a cinnamon bun thing that I was too full to eat.

Bekah LOVES the Selfie Stick. Just kidding.  I think I forced her to take 3.  Thanks for being a good sport Beks...kind of.

We stopped and got the girls some Ellenos homemade greek yogurt.  Super smooth and creamy.  Maggie got Marionberry Pie and Bekah got Lemon Curd.

We decided to explore random parts of Seattle and bought day passes for the light rail. 

Old Rainer Brewery closed in 1999 and is now a residential/ commercial space.  I think it would be so cool to live there.  We heard rumors that someone is trying to turn it back into a brewery, if so I will definitely put it on my to do list to tour next time I'm in Seattle.

Got Bekah with the Selfie Stick again!  There is a "gum wall" in Seattle that is actually an entire Alley of people's nasty gum stuck to the walls.  It is pretty neat to look at, none of us were chewing gum so we didn't get to participate. Oh well.

Saturday night we went to a karaoke party with a bunch of people from Bekah's work.  It was pretty neat- a whole building sectioned off into small rooms that you rent out for kareoke. 

Rainy night! Surprise.

When we got home Bekah and Lamb went to bed, but Maggie and I wanted to go play more since it was our last night.  We hit up a bar right down the street from Bekah's called Two Bell's Bar.

and then we figured hey, it's past 11.  might as well hit up Wasabi again. and off we went.

Seattle or Bust: Day Two, Part Two

Pretty view heading back to Belltown from Fremont. Our Uber driver told us the railings were so that people didn't commit suicide off of the bridge.  We had a pretty serious chat the whole way back, traffic was serious.  We discussed suicide, religion, and politics- pretty much all things you are supposed to not discuss in public. Oh well.  Hope ya win the lottery homie. 

We got back shortly after 4 and Bekah was off work!!! YAYYYYY!!  She works in the Columbia Center building and she gets to take guests to the Sky View floor.  A quick 2 elevator trip and we were on the 73rd floor. Y'all save your $21 from the Space Needle and pay the $10? (Bekah got us in free, thanks for hooking us up buddy!) to go to the Sky View floor. It was GORGEOUSSSSSS and the sun was setting over the harbor. So so pretty.

CenturyLink Stadium! Go Seahawks!!

Look on the far right of this picture and you can see the tiny little Space Needle. Seriously, save yourselves $11 buck and just hit the Sky View floor!!

We explored around downtown some more and then hit up Happy Hour at Chan which was right by Pike Place.

Ahi Tuna Tartare above and Bulgogi Beef Sliders below.  Both were AMAZING, but if I had to choose one it would def be the sliders.  Bekah and I also had the Hard Ginger Lemonade, Lamb had the Rum Punch, and Maggie had the Soju rainbow flight.  Everything was delicious and we full and happy! 

The space needle was lit up with Seahawks colors!  The city was SO serious about their team and the upcoming game.

Little late night sushi action at Wasabi.  They have 2/$10 rolls after 11:00 PM, that's a pretty fantastic deal if you ask me.  The Seattle tempura roll may have been the BEST roll I've ever had. YUM. Hit this place up late night!

Seattle or Bust: Day Two, Part One

Day Two was our busiest day by far.  The weather was gorgeous and we accomplished a TON.  We were so happy we crossed off a lot on our to do list because it was rainy Saturday and Sunday.  The only bad part was the Bekah had to work :(.  We tried to do all the touristy stuff that she had already done so she didn't miss out on anything.

We started our day at Biscuit Bitch in Pike Place.  I read the above Yelp review and knew we had to go there!  It's a pretty small place, but we got there at the perfect time and grabbed a table.  I got a "Gritty Scrambled Cheesy Bitch." Lamb and Maggie got the "Cheesy Pork n Bitch" picture below.  It was a TON of food, none of us finished and that is RARE for me.  We had consumed a ton of calories and we were ready to explore the city and burn some calories!

Oh wait, more calories before walking....we hit up the original Starbucks!  I've recently started buying the Starbucks cityscape mugs when I travel...because what I need is more things....and they had an exclusive one for the Pike Place location, def snatched one up!

Still at Pike Place....here fishy fishy. Maggie snapped a ton of pics while I was getting the fish and this face is priceless.  I got blood on my gloves and almost had a heart attack.

We explored some and headed to meet one of Maggie's friends at Peso's.  They have some seriously strong margaritas....more calories.  I promise we walked a lot.

Selfie Stick Pic.  These are my favoritessssssssssssssssssss.  The other girls didn't love the selfie stick as much as I did, I think it is HILARIOUS.

View from the top of the Space Needle.  Bekah told us the view from her building was WAY better, but we figured we were in Seattle so we might as well do it!  You basically pay $21 to ride an elevator up and down.  Whatever, when in Rome Seattle.

After the Space Needle we Uber'd over to Fremont to check out the Fremont Troll!

This is a BIG sculpture thing.  I need to read about it some, but it was neat to see.

Maggie spotted  Schilling CIDERY. A freaking CIDERY. I LOVE cider. love love love. I like drinks that don't taste like alcohol and most ciders don't. #winning.

They had over 30 flavors. Normal one like apple and ginger, and then some crazy ones like Siracha Lime- that thing was SPICY. It's like the Sting from Busy Bee (in Raleigh) on CRACK. Whew. 

Seattle Or Bust: Day One

RDU > LAS!  I've never been to Vegas and they had games in the airport! I was SO pumped.  I played the penny slots- I put in one dollar, and left with one dollar.  I'd call that a success in Vegas!

This picture says it all, and we actually didn't get the picture of him with his hands over his ears and his jacket over his head.  Our flight from Vegas to Seattle was pretty freaking terrible.  We were SURROUNDED by children- I think everyone knows I want a million kids, this trip made me seriously reconsider.  We had the seats in front of us slammed into us the whole flight due to bouncing kids, heard 'Let It Go' approximately 93 times, oh and don't worry it gets better- the lady directly across from us CHANGED A DIAPER IN THE SEAT! What!! That has to be illegal right??? This man was feeling the pain, and so were we.

We finally landed in Seattle (no more kids! woohoo!), stopped by Bekah's awesome building and then set out to find some food.  It was 3 PM EST and we were HUNGRY!  Bekah told us about Bell Thai which is downstairs from her apartment and it was DELICIOUS.  I got Panang Curry. so so good.

  In the 20 feet between the Thai place and Beks building there was a bakery, so we had to stop in.  Lamb (Leslie) got a bunch of macarOns (Notice: one O. I've always called them macaroon-  what do you call them?). They were super yummy!

We were in food-coma and hung around the apartment until Bekah got home...so that we could go eat again :). This is def. my kind of trip.  We hit up RN74 for Happy Hour and shared a bunch of apps and had drinks. 


Friday, January 2, 2015

Ringing in 2015

 I had a great time ringing in the New Year with a few friends.  It was pretty low key, but pretty much perfect.  My all time favorite NYE was at my parents house, we went to fancy dinner with a big group and then back to my parents house to drink, play games, and have fun in our PJs.  

I knew I didn't want to go to a bar this year and be super crowded, so I decided to have a few people over.  AND I finally had my dinner party...kind of.  I'm not going to lie, we ate Bojangles on my freaking beautiful dinner table.  I didn't feel like cleaning a ton of dishes in case more people showed up than I thought, and everyone agreed that Bojangles would be delicious.

All gold everything! With some navy and polka dots in there too!  My parents got me an ivory table cloth, my navy fabric napkins, and some sea urchin looking napkin rings for Christmas.  I got to use all of these, plus the random things I've been collecting for about 2 years!  I LOVED it.
Here is the table! So shiny.
I made place cards for everyone with my new calligraphy stuff that my parents also got me for Christmas. They are the freaking best. Shoutout to Maghon from All She Wrote Notes for teaching me to write.  If you haven't taken her class yet and you live in the Triangle area, get on it.  She is hilarious and a great teacher.  Also, check out her Etsy: All She Wrote Notes.

A little Twister action with the girls. Can you guess which hiney belong to who(m). 

Above Twister is the original crew minus our friend Kate. 

I'm excited for 2015.  I have some really fun trips planned- Seattle, Charleston, Disney...and those are just in the first 5 months.  I'm going to be broke and well traveled!

I'm still pondering my 2015 resolutions, but I'll keep you posted!