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Hi! I'm Caroline. I'm originally from Charlotte but have been in Raleigh for a while now. Charlotte is called the Queen City, and Raleigh is called the City of Oaks. So here I am, A Crown Amongst the Oaks!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

#BostonOrBust: Richmond

Off we go! Six days, seven states. Let's do it!!

Day one:

We dropped Folgies off at Matts parents house and headed to VA. We stopped at Pescados in Midlothian where my dad and I went after I bought the BMW, it was  just as good as I remembered! We ordered an enchilada aculpulco and voodoo shrimp with habanero mango sauce. Yum!

Here are my goals for the trip: 1- eat all the good food 2- drink al the beer (wait, who am I?) 3- check out local art 4- take pictures with as many state signs as possible 5- make memories with Matt

We're off to a good start! 

We checked out a really cool mural (and super creepy on the other side) and then headed to Stone Brewery for beers. I got a flight and wound up pretty tipsy, I want aware that the average ABV for their beers was somewhere in the high 8s! Mom- for reference bud light has like 4.5%. The building was HUGE and had no sign which several folks on the interwebs complained about, but the beer tender told us that "historically none of the Stone Breweries have a sign," so there ya go.

We were heading to the hotel with plans to change, grab dinner, and then head to the show...we saw a sign for Strangeways Brewing and made a little detour. I am SO glad that we did, they mix syrups in their beers and I had a beer with Woodruff syrup which tastes exactly like Lucky Charms marshmallows. It was AMAZING, but a funky color- oh well.

Due to this little detour we ran out of time for dinner and just grabbed Taco Beezy- we keep it classy, at least it was cheaper than a "real" dinner place.

We found our way to Innsbrook Pavillion, which must be a makeshift venue, it was in the middle of business park parking lot. We grooved to Through the Roots, Stick Figure, The Green and J. Boog, and Rebelution. Stick Figure always brings their dog, "Cocoa the Tour Dog" who I'm  obsessed with and J. Boog sings one of my favorite songs! We left a little early and retreated to our hotel where we slept in separate beds (hi mom). Bedtime by 930- were officially old, but Matt is older.

We had breakfast at The Black Sheep which was near VCU and kind of sketchy,  but the food was good and the portions were huge. We left a ton behind which we don't usually do, but we won't be eating leftovers on the road trip so it is what it is! Matt had Bayou Biscuits and Gravy and I had Gambas Bravas.

It's been real Richmond, we're off to Baltimore! 

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