About Me

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Hi! I'm Caroline. I'm originally from Charlotte but have been in Raleigh for a while now. Charlotte is called the Queen City, and Raleigh is called the City of Oaks. So here I am, A Crown Amongst the Oaks!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

And Then God Smacked Me in the Face....

Alright, so let's consult The Word real quick...

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.- Mark 11:24

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.  - John 15:7

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.- Matthew 7:7

So, without getting too much into my life, let's just say LISTEN TO GOD!  Listen for him, look for his subtle messages, and don't freaking ignore Him...because he will just smack you in the face with the answer soon enough.

I have been praying the same prayer for about a year, for God to show me the way on what could potentially be one of the biggest decisions of my life.

I feel like he gave me signs.  I feel like he subtlety nudged me and was like "Caroline, your answer is such and such."  I mean, I knew deep down the answer to the prayer I had been praying about.  I even told my Mom one day the decision I had come to MONTHS ago and continued to pray about it.  I don't think I was ready to accept the answer that I obviously ALREADY knew. So, I kept praying it and praying it and kind of hoping that somehow the answer would change.

Welp, guess what. It didn't. And His answer smacked me STRAIGHT IN THE FACE, and I cried. A LOT. and I'm sad. REALLY SAD. Over an answer and decision that was made a while ago and I chose to ignore it.

Anyways, long story short.  I believe in prayer.  I believe God answer prayers. I believe that He has a better path for me. AND I believe that he tried to show me the way without me being devestated, he LOVES us and does NOT want us to be sad.

So, with that I will leave you one of my favorite verses that I have on my desk at work.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." declares the Lord.  "As the heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" - Isaiah 55:8-9.

I'm going to just keep on believing that He has a plan for me and He knows what He is doing!


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I HATE Social Media, yet I won’t stop.

Has social media caused any problems in your life?  Of course it has, whether you want to admit it or not.

You’ve been jealous over someone’s new car, relationship, baby, house, purse, blah blah blah.  What kind of job do they have that they can afford all of these things?  Why did THAT girl get to date that NICE boy?  Why don't I have a baby and a husband yet, some of these girls have already been married, divorced, and married again.  My plan was to already be married with a kid- ha, look how that turned out.  


It has caused you insecurity in your relationship.  Someone has been ‘liking’ all of your significant other’s pictures and statuses.  Who are they? Now you go and ‘stalk’ them to figure out who they are.  It’s not helpful to your relationship or sanity.  You wouldn’t get paranoid about who is someone’s ‘best friend’ on SnapChat and what they are sending to each other, because let’s be serious people- SnapChat was created to send nudes.  I mean, why else would you need a picture to ‘disappear’ after 10 seconds or less.

Social media shows others what we want them to see.  We show others our perfect lives.  We show pictures of fun trips, girl’s nights out, new clothes and jewelry, and of course tons of pictures of you and your lover.  It doesn’t show the ugly words that just flew out of your mouth.  It doesn’t show the tears you cried over a fight with the person you just uploaded to Instagram as your #mcm.  And it doesn’t show the messy rooms people have stashed their ‘things’ in…no one’s house can really be as perfect as all the blogs I read, right?

I hate the way social media makes me feel.  It is good to see people’s new babies and be able to ‘keep in touch’ with old friends (and by keep in touch, I mean that knowing what all sorts of people are doing that you haven’t talked to in years, but if you actually saw them on the street there is a good chance you wouldn’t even say, “Hi”), but if I didn’t have various social medias  I wouldn’t have these feelings.  I wouldn’t be jealous over other people’s lives.  I wouldn’t feel crazy, or at least as crazy J.   I wouldn’t wonder how on earth people have the money and time to make their houses look so perfect. 

Yet, I still diligently scroll through Facebook and Instagram, watch Snapchats, and read tweets and blogs.  My phone is constantly in my hand, usually with one of the aforementioned social media apps open. It is a sick cycle and I should probably learn to limit my time spent on these platforms.  Any suggestions friends?  What good do you see come out of social media?  Does social media ever make you feel inadequate, crazy, jealous, sad, etc? Please tell me I’m not the only one!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Herringbone Vests....How Much Would You Pay?

So, the herringbone vest trend has been around a few seasons now and I always liked the idea- but not for over $100!  I'm cheap...I pretty much never buy anything at full price.  The other day a certain site (I can't tell you yet, it will spoil the surprise) had a herringbone vest for $29.99 so I bought it...too bad it's on a 4 week delay but I should have it right around Thanksgiving!

Can you believe that there is a $131 difference in these vests!  They look very similar, with the exception of vest 3 not having outlined pockets!  Let's make this like a Cosmo Quiz!  Write down your answers...or I guess you can just keep them in your head, there are only 4 choices!

Okay, answers ready?

Don't peak!

Drum Roll.....

1- GroopDealz, $29.99
2- J.Crew Factory, $108.00
3- Walmart- $7.00, I know it doesn't have the out lines but that is a serious DEAL!  Apparently everyone else thought so too because they are sold out, but keep checking on it!
4- J. Crew-  $138.00, also currently sold out! 

So the high and the low are sold out, but for a very reasonable $29.99 and a pretty reasonable $108.00 you can have your very own herringbone vest-, just in time for winter!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

I Got My Drink and My Two Step

So, you know how I'm having that dinner party.  Well, I needed some drinkware right?  I found the coolest cups at JC Penney.  They actually have a lot of legit things!!

This set of 4 old fashioned glasses was originally $58 but is on clearance for $20.49.
This set of 4 highball glasses  was originally $58 but is on clearance for $20.49.
And these champagne flutes were the same price when I bought them but they are sold out now. 

I got 2 sets of each.  $20.49 x 6=  $122.94
They were running a 15% discount at the time so that brought it down to $104.49
AND I got free shipping because I spent more than $100!

So 24 glasses for $104. 40 equals to $4.35 a glass, instead of the original $14.50 a glass. #WINNING!

They have a sale right now with the code: PUMPKIN  that is 15% off your total order- no minimum purchase, 20% off orders of $100 or more, or 25% off $150 or more. So, you could get an even better deal that I did!!  Get them before they are gone!

Anyways, we're moving right along on this dinner party idea...

- glassware: check
- flatware: check

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Still the one I do this 4 I'm trying to make a 3 From that 2 He still the 1...Countdown

gosh I freaking LOVE Beyonce. #allhailqueenbey. sorry, I had to!  I was lucky enough to be gifted tickets to her show last year.  BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!!

Anyways, this isn't about Beyonce, it's just a fun little blogging countdown I saw on Two Thirds Hazel's blog.  These things always remind me of all those chain things on MySpace....that sure was long time ago!

Five things I'll be doing over the coming weekend:

1. My brother is coming to town!  And maybe my Mom too! I’m super pumped and I’m planning on getting a lot of things done around the house AND eating lots of delicious food!

2. Building Shelves in my garage to try to somehow organize the serious disaster situation that is currently in there, seriously someone should call FEMA about that matter.  Possibly following one of Ana White’s plans, check it out here.

3. Bill Cosby. I. CAN. NOT. WAIT!  I ordered these tickets the day they went on sale many, many months ago and I’m so glad I didn’t hesitate because these sold like hot cakes and there are no more available!  I have watched his stand-up Bill Cosby Himself too many times, and still laugh like the first time I’ve seen it.  The Dentist skit and Drinking skit are two of my favorites. 
"I'm going OUT... because I DESERVE to go out! And I'm going to get DRUNK... because I DESERVE to get drunk! And get out of my way!"…5 minutes later “Now you've got to go. So you come into the bathroom, close the door; now, don't forget: you owe this to yourself. You've worked hard all week. It's come to this.”- Bill Cosby

4. The N.C. State Fair is here! Woohoo!  Because what we all REALLY need to eat is a Twix bar, inside of a Twinkie, wrapped in bacon, deep fried, and sprinkled with powder sugar.  

5. Watch this week’s episode of How to Get Away with Murder.  This show is so freaking confusing with their whole back 2 weeks, forward 7 weeks, and one week before, current. Even so, I’m hooked!  

Four of my current favorite pins from Pinterest:

Three items that I really need or would really love to purchase:

1. These plates from C.Wonder have been on my ‘Buy Next Paycheck’ list for like six weeks.  I keep buying other random things and pushing these plates back.  Gosh they are so beautiful, and actually reasonably priced.

2. Duck Boots.  I bought some on a good sale that are like normal shoes, they are cute but aren’t super helpful when walking through puddles!

3. Keurig!  My mom's birthday is next month and she really wants one.  Which model is your favorite?  What is your favorite brand and flavor K-cup?

Two things that are bothering me:
1.      People keep calling ebola, ‘eboli.’  WHAT! This is not freaking e.coli.This does not come from eating too rare of meat.  Ugh.  It is driving me insane.  I KEEP hearing this over and over, it’s not like the word ‘ebola’ is not all over the news! Let’s say it together folks ‘eee-bowl-ah.” Whew.

2.      Double Standards. No need to elaborate on this one. 

One quote that speaks straight to my soul right now:

As we grow up, we realize it becomes less important to have a ton of friends, and more important to have real ones.