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Hi! I'm Caroline. I'm originally from Charlotte but have been in Raleigh for a while now. Charlotte is called the Queen City, and Raleigh is called the City of Oaks. So here I am, A Crown Amongst the Oaks!

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Accidental Amazing Sauce!

I was making chicken parmesan for dinner last night and ran out of marinara sauce. Fail.

We had a block of Trader Joe's Pesto Gouda Cheese in the fridge that was starting to go bad and I figured I could make a sauce out of it- did a quick Google consult and went with it.  Butter in the pan, add flour, Whisk. Add milk. Whisk. Reduce heat to low and throw in diced (or shredded) cheese.  Let it get melty and pour it on your dish. 

I ate it with zuchinni noodles and Matt ate it with normal noodles.  He thinks my zoodles are weird. It was AMAZING. Definietly will be buying this cheese for the purpose of making this sauce again. YUM!

Brand Backer: Round One

I signed up to test products for a company called Brand Backer a few weeks ago and was selected to try the SLIMQUICK Pure Extra Strength Mixed Berries Drink Mix, you can purchase it on Walmart and Amazon's websites or find a list of local retailers here.  I also got a $5 coupon in you want to try it, just click the link: $5 Off Coupon.

The drink mix claims to help you lose 3 times the weight compared to just diet and exercise. It also says that it addresses the 6 ways women have trouble losing weight.  I was super pumped about it because who doesn't want to lose a couple extra pounds.

The first day you drink 2 packs, the 2nd day 3 packs, and then days 3-7 you drink 4 packs.  I only made it through the 1st day, maybe I should have kept pushing forward but it made me feel really sick.  The taste is okay, not terrible but not really good either.  It kind of tastes like melted jello with a strange aftertaste.  I've heard that if you mix it with smoothies it is delicious!  I got a really bad headache both times after I drank it and my stomach felt funny also.  So, I quit after the 2nd drink. Womp.

I rarely drink soda, and have one cup of coffee probably two mornings a week.  The mix contains a lot of caffeine so that may have caused the headaches.  If I was to do it again, or if you don't consume a lot of caffeine try reducing the doses and working your way up.  Try starting with half a pack in the morning and half a pack at night the first day and then increasing from there!

Guess I'll  have to try and get skinny another way.

Hitting up Duck Donuts like I did today won't help you get skinny, but it will make your taste buds dance!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thank you Lord, for a Perfect Day.

That’s how my bedtime prayer started last night. “Thank you Lord, for a perfect day.” And then I laughed.  The day had been spent cutting grass that was up to my waist, trying to corral a thousand fruit flies into cups full of various liquids made of recipes I had found via Google searching “how to kill fruit flies”, and rounded out with dinner with 3 of my favorite girls. 

Due to lots of rain, my grass grew to approximately 3 feet tall. Okay, maybe I also went a little longer between grass cuttings than I should. Anyways, the grass is 3 feet tall and I’m a little over 5 feet tall- this is going to be bad. I put on my anti-snake bite yard cutting outfit, snoopy pj pants tucked into some teal socks.  If the lawn mower didn’t scare them off, the outfit probably would.   I had to do a weird squatting/ walking combo to lift the mower up enough to cut the top of the grass and it was going okay. SLOW, but okay.  I was covered in grass but it was getting shorter. And that’s when something snapped on my foot. A SNAKE! Nope, my freaking shoe broke.  I’ve been wearing the same Nikes for years to cut the grass and I guess they wore out and half the bottom broke halfway off and it was now flopping as I walked. Awesome. Then my lawn mower broke, Something had fallen off near the blade- don’t ask me what; so I took it to my neighbor and traded him for his. I start using his and it breaks. I call him and tell him it won’t crank so he comes to comes to check it out.  Out of gas. Genius this girl. He adds gas then leaves and I go inside for water.

While I’m inside getting water I go to throw something away and I am not kidding you when I say that a THOUSAND fruit flies come swarming at me from the inside of the trash can. SEEYA LATER. I’m supposed to be having girls over for dinner so I texted one of the other girls and ask if we can do it at her house and head back to finish the yard.

  I go back out and it won’t start. Broken. He comes back over, it needed to be primed…at least I’m learning to troubleshoot at this point.  I mow for a bit and it cuts off due to being clogged. I flip it over and clean it out- I’m getting pretty good at this by this point.  I go to crank it and pull the string completely out and it won’t go back in. Whatever, I’m over it. I’m quitting.  I checked my phone and my Maggie’s house is full of smoke from some crazy recipe she was making.  I tell her to just come over to my house instead and we will deal with the flies. 

The girls all showed up and we made dinner.  Actually, Lamb cooked my part while I showered off the pounds of dirt and grass that were covering my body.   We had an awesome dinner, watched Jeopardy, chatted, and drank wine.  Everyone left and I headed to bed.

Where I prayed “Thank you Lord for a perfect day.” 

My grass had gotten crazy high and I spent hours trying to battle it out.  But, 

-          I have an able, healthy body and was able to do it by myself
-          I have about 50 other pairs of Nikes I can cut the grass in J
-          I have a (very patient)  friend that helps me when I get stuck
-          I have a big yard that surrounds a nice house with ample room
-          I allowed the grass to get so long because I was out playing with my friends
-          I have a job that allows me to pay for these luxuries

There were fruit flies swarming in my kitchen.  But,

-         I have food in the fridge and pantry
-         Our bellies were full
-         We had dessert even though our bellies were full
-         I have a job that allows me to pay for these luxuries

Even though all these ‘bad’ things happen, it wasn’t really that bad.  I was SO frustrated yesterday, but in the grand scheme of things I am lucky, or #blessed as some would say. #Blessed is one of my absolutely hated hash tags. I think it’s really obnoxious for some reason. But that is what I am. I’m blessed to have a yard to cut. I’m blessed that I have a healthy body.  I’m blessed there is food for fruit flies to try to find. I’m blessed to have awesome friends that come over to hang out, drink wine, and chat.

So, Thank you Lord for a Perfect Day.