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Hi! I'm Caroline. I'm originally from Charlotte but have been in Raleigh for a while now. Charlotte is called the Queen City, and Raleigh is called the City of Oaks. So here I am, A Crown Amongst the Oaks!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

#MaggiesMagicalBirthday Drinking Around the World Edition

Day 2: We headed to Epcot for Maggie's Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAGGIE!  Our goal: Drink around the World, which equals 11 drinks in various countries. Think we did it?

We started out in Mexico.  Blood Orange maragarita for me, Jalapeno Margarita for Maggie- that tasted more like Cucumber.

We saw Mexican Donald so we had to snap a pic with him. Glad I'm sorority squatting so you can't see my super cool shirt. #fail

Next was Norway!  We waved to Ana and Elsa and grabbed our round 2 drinks.  

Viking Coffee for me (iced coffee + Bailey's + some other liquor), and some beer for Maggie.

China! Time for a snack because it's 12:30 pm and we're on our third drink.  Pork Sticky Buns were pretty yummy, but I wish there was more meat and less bread.

I had a Fruit Loopy (Vodka + Cantaloupe Juice...how authentic are these drinks? I'm thinking not much).  Maggie had a Mango Gingerita.

Round 4: Gewurztraminer wine in Germany.

Lunch time stop in Italy!  We had read that Via Napoli was good so we grabbed food here, we figured Spaghetti and Meatballs is hard to mess up and very Italian. It was $17 so we decided to split it, and I'm glad we did.  This stuff was freaking DISGUSTING.  It was like a box of salt on noodles with some nasty red salt sauce. BLUGH. I would say don't come here, but if you do- DO NOT GET THIS!  $17 for a tiny amount of salt noodles.

We did get our drinks though, so go ahead and mark us down for 5 down, 6 to go! Sangria for me, Red wine for Mags. 

Our only picture in America. Oops.  No passport pic here!  We shared a Red Stag Lemonade and it was banging.  Frozen Lemonade Slush thing with Cherry flavored whiskey. Noms.

Eww. This one was the WORST- in case you couldn't tell from our faces. Hot Sake is gross in general.  Trying to drink hot sake in 95* weather when you're already covered in sweat makes it that much worse. We have cute ears though :D (Tucker- how do you drink this stuff?)

Ah, now we're talking. Sweet fruity drinks in Morocco. I can't remember the names. Don't judge me. We are now 9 drinks deep. TWO TO GO!! We totally got this!

Hey Maggie! Hey Lumière! (Maggie's boss new that guy's name!)

We grabbed a ham and cheese croissant and pastry in France.  SO YUMMY. Def my favorite food of the day.  We also got a Grey Goose Slushie and a macaron.

We. Are. So. Close. Mixed Beers in the UK. I got a Snake Bite which was cider and bass ale and Maggie got a Golden Fox which is Boddingtons and Bass Ale.

Yes kid, I feel ya. I'm just about there. ONE MORE TO GO!


Canada: Dragonfruit Punch....something like that. I'm not sure of what the real name was. I wasn't sure of a lot, except that after this drink WE HAD WON!  We had finished the challenge of 11 drinks in Epcot! 

Go. Team. Go!

Happy Birthday Maggie. I had SO much fun celebrating with you!  What an awesome way to spend your birthday, I'm so glad you let me join you on this trip...Want some ketchup?

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